Confessions of a Sugar Mummy – Emma Tennant [PDF]

1288 vistas
Categoria eBook, Humor, Inglés

Confessions of a Sugar Mummy
Autor Emma Tennant
Género Humor
Ubicación Reino Unido
Título Original Confessions of a Sugar Mummy
Publicación 2007

What do older women want? And older than what, anyway? Love, flattery, an end to baby-sitting, a night out without falling asleep in the soup? Or the very last chance of gratifying desire, of finding a soul-mate, even if it means paying over the odds…? It’s awful, really to admit to some of the stupid things we do…«Confessions of a Sugar Mummy» provides the (frequently hilarious) answer to the most pressing questions for women who have reached A Certain Age: Am I past it? Am I invisible, and if so what can I do about it? And why is the pursuit of happiness an acceptable goal for all members of the human race except Old Bags? Money, as so often, turns out to be the solution. And when a sixty-something with frankly limited prospects, finds her London flat is worth a fortune, she jumps at the chance of entering the world of property with the glamorous younger Frenchman, Alain. Until, to her horror, she realises she can’t turn back, until the final question is answered: Can Money Buy Me Love? «Confessions of a Sugar Mummy» provides laughs and a few tears – all the way to the Bank.

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