MySpace Dark Horse Presents #32 – Tales of the Vampires – Carpe Noctem, Part Two [PDF] [English]

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Categoria Acción, Aventura, Comic, Horror, Inglés
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MySpace Dark Horse Presents #32 – Tales of the Vampires – Carpe Noctem, Part Two
Autor Dark Horse, Jackie Kessler, Paul Lee, Scott Allie
Género Comic, Horror, Acción, Aventura
Ubicación EE.UU.
Título Original MySpace Dark Horse Presents #32
Año 2010

«Carpe Noctem, Part Two» was a comic story cross over between in Season Eight and Tales of the Vampires meta-series.

Cyn agreed to go out clubbing more often, using this as an excuse to find more prey. As Ash took home a man and proceeded to have sex and drink from him, she asked Cyn to join. She did, but then drained the man. The two roommates got into an argument and Ash staked Cyn, remarking that she should have changed with the times.

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