The Art of Short Selling (A Marketplace Book Book 4) – Kathryn F. Staley [ePub & Kindle]

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A one-of-a-kind book that shows you how to cash in on the latestinvesting trend–short selling

«The Art of Short Selling is the best description of this difficulttechnique.»–John Train, Train, Thomas, Smith Investment Counsel,and author of The New Money Masters

«Kathryn Staley has done a masterful job explaining the highlyspecialized art of short selling. Her approach to telling the truestories of famous investment ‘scams’ will keep the readerspellbound, while teaching the investor many cruciallessons.»–David W. Tice, Portfolio Manager, Prudent BearFund

«Selling short is still a misunderstood discipline, but even themost raging bull needs to know this valuable technique to masterthe ever-changing markets.»–Jim Rogers, author, InvestmentBiker

On the investment playing field, there is perhaps no game moreexciting than short selling. With the right moves, it can yieldhigh returns; one misstep, however, can have disastrousconsequences. Despite the risk, a growing number of players areanteing up, sparked in part by success stories such as that ofGeorge Soros and the billions he netted by short selling theBritish pound. In The Art of Short Selling, Kathryn Staley, anexpert in the field, examines the essentials of this importantinvestment vehicle, providing a comprehensive game plan with whichyou can effectively play–and win–the short selling game.